Federal Consistency

​Projects Under Review:​

Nemadji Trail Energ​y Center​​

The Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP), State of Wisconsin, Department of Administration, has received correspondence from the US Army Corps of Engineers and the applicant for a federal permit to discharge dredged and fill material in 54.7 acres of wetlands for the construction of the Nemadji Trail Energy Center and associated activities. The site for the Nemadji Trail Energy Center facility is in Douglas County, Wisconsin. The proposed activity is subject to review for consistency under the policies of the WCMP. WCMP’s public comment period ended on May 20. WCMP held a public hearing on June 7, 2024. 

WCMP completed review of the project and responded to the applicant. View or download WCMP’s letter​ (PDF, 350 pages).

Line 5​

The Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP), State of Wisconsin, D​epartment of Administration, has received correspondence from the United States Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District Division (Corps) and Enbridge Energy, Limited Part​nership, on activities associated with the construction of the proposed Line 5 Wisconsin segment relocation project. The proposed activities are subject to review for consistency under the policies of the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP). Click to submit comments​. Comments will be accepted through ​June 28, 2024.​​​ ​Update: WCMP has extended the deadline to ​August 4, 2024. Update: WCMP will accept comments during the public hearing. Please see details below. 

​The Corps conducted a public hearing on June 4, 2024 in Ashland, Wisconsin. More information the Corps’ Draft Combined Decision Document and appendices are available on their Enbridge/Line5-WI website​.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has hosted two public hearings regarding Line 5. Recordings of those hearings are available at WDNR’s website​​.​

​Public Hearing

WCMP will host a public hearing at 12:00 p.m. Central Time on August 15, 2024. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comments on the requested federal permitting, specifically whether the activities considered through the permitting are consistent with the State of Wisconsin’s enforceable policies. The hearing will be held virtually and accessible by computer or phone. ​

To attend, please fill out this form. On August 15, you​ will receive a confirmation email containing a link and additional information for joining the meeting. Participants may attend with or without speaking at the hearing. The hearing will last until at least 1:30 p.m. 

​​How to Join:

Participants that sign-up before 10:30AM on August 15, 2024 will receive a confirmation email containing a link and additional information for joining the meeting the morning of August 15, 2024. Participants that sign up after 10:30AM on August 15th may join using the link below. For planning and capacity purposes, prior to joining we request that you complete this sign-up form​.

The chat feature will be disabled during the hearing. You may leave written comment using this public comment form. This form will be available from 11:00 AM to 11:59 PM on August 15, 2024.

​Other Federal Actions

​​To submit comments on other federal actions undergoing review for consistency under the polices of the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP), please use this form​. Select “Other” from the drop-down menu. ​

​Review Process

Through its federal consistency review authority, the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP) has broad opportunities to influence federal government activities, construction, funding, permitting and other actions ​proposed within the coastal zone. It promotes coordination between state and federal policies, programs and agencies.

The review process relies on and seeks to improve existing state programs. Federal regulations (15 CFR 930) establish the basic policies and procedures for coastal states, federal agencies and other affected parties pertaining to the federal consistency review process.
