State Single Audit Guide (SSAG)

​​​​​​​The State of Wisconsin has adopted the concept of the Federal Single Audit requirements in 2 CFR 200 Subpart F, Audit Requirements (“Uniform Guidance”) for certain recipients of funding from the State. The State Single Audit Guide (“Guide”) implements the concept of the Federal Single Audit requirements as outlined in Uniform Guidance, for certain state programs.


The Guide is applicable to entities meeting the criteria identified in Section 1.4 of the Main DocumentThe Guide consists of two parts which are discussed further below​An auditor planning an audit in accordance with the Guide must consult the Main Document and the State Awarding Agency Appendices for each of the agencies for which the auditee has expended state funding.​


The Main Document includes general guidance that is applicable to all audits performed in accordance with the Guide. This document is maintained by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration, State Controller’s Office (DOA-SCO) and is updated periodically to reflect changes in auditing and program requirements. 

Questions or comments regarding the Main Document should be sent to DOA-SCO at:

​Main Document:

Main Document June 2023 ​(effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​

​Main Document June 2016 (​​effective for fiscal years beginning ​before July 1, 2023)


The appendices detail agency-specific audit requirements for state programs that are in addition to the requirements found within the Main Document and are updated, as needed, by the agencies. We have made available the most current information provided by the respective agencies. 

Questions or comments regarding state awarding agency appendices or payments listed on the state payment register should be directed to the agency contact listed below.


Clean Water Fund (DOA & DNR)
101 E. Wilson 10th
Madison, WI 53703
​Contact:​Staff directory available here​ from the Wisconsin DNR.
​Audit Info:​Contact the Clean Water Fund​ for audit guidance.
​Agency:Department of Administration (DOA)
Bureau of Financial Management
Department of Administration
P O Box 7869
Madison, WI 53707-7869
​Contact:​Single Audit Coordinator​
(608) 267-9610
​Audit Info:2021 DOA Compliance Supplement
2021 DOA Federal Grant Listing
2021 DOA State Grant Listing

2023 DOA Appendix (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)
DOA State and Federal Program Listing​ (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)
​Agency:Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP)
P O Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
​Kim Chase
(608) 224-4750
​Audit Info:​2018 DATCP Appendix

2023 DATCP Appendix​ (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)
DATCP State and Federal Program Listing (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)
​Agency:Department of Children & Families (DCF)
201East Washington Ave
P O Box 8916
Madison, WI 53707-8916
​Contact:DCF Auditors
​Audit Info:
2023 DCF Appendix (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​
2022 DCF Appendix (effective for fiscal years ending on or after December 31, 2022)
Department of Corrections (DOC)
Fiscal Services Section
3099 East Washington Avenue
P.O. Box 7991
Madison, WI 53707-7991
​Contact:​Christian L Wagner
​Audit Info:​Contact DOC for guidance.
​Agency:Department of Health Services (DHS)
Office of the Inspector General
One West Wilson Street
P O Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309
DHS Auditors
​Audit Info:​The DHS Audit Guide, revised in October, 2018, supersedes all previous DHS Audit Guides and is effective for contracts beginning on January 1, 2018 or later.

2023 DHS SBS Payments​​​​​

Please contact if you have questions about the DHS Audit Guide


Department of Justice (DOJ)
Division of Management Services
17 West Main St Room 841-23
P. O. Box 7857 
Madison, WI 53707-7857
​Contact:​Amy Byrnes​
(608) 267-1331

​Audit Info:
2022 DOJ Federal Funding
2022 DOJ State Funding​​
DOJ State and Federal Program Listing (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​
​Agency:Department of Military Affairs (DMA)
2400 Wright Street
Madison, WI 53704
​Contact:​Anna Oehler
(608) 242-3155

Send submissions to:

​Audit Info:2022 State and Federal Program Listing
2023 State and Federal Program Listing
Contact DMA for audit guidance
​Agency:Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
101 S. Webster St.
PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707-7921​
DNR Auditors
Karen Van Schoonhoven, CPA
(608) 261-8434​
​Audit Info:DNR State and Federal Program Listing (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​
​Agency:Department of Public Instruction (DPI)
125 South Webster
Madison, WI 53702
​Contact:Olivia Bernitt 

Cari Muggenburg
(608) 264-9551​
​Audit Info:2022 Wisconsin School District Audit Manual​​
DPI Aids Payments Link
​Agency:​Public Service Commission (PSC)
Division of Business & Program Management
610 N. Whitney Way
Madison, WI 53705
​Contact:​Jenna Schmidt, CPA
(608) 267-7709
​Agency:Department of Revenue (DOR)
Bureau of Financial Management Services
2135 Rimrock Road 6-261
PO Box 8931
Madison, WI 53708-8931
​Contact:​Peggy Steeno, CPA
(608) 266-0424
​Audit Info​Contact DOR for guidance.
​Agency:Department of Safety & Professional Services (DSPS)
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI 53705
​Contact:​Lilian Kelly​​
​Audit Info:​Contact DSPS for guidance.
​​Agency:Department of Transportation (DOT)
Bureau of Financial Management
Hill Farms State Office Building
4822 Madison Yards Way, 6th Floor South
Madison, WI 53705

Craig Felder, DOT Audit Supervisor

(608) 266-7435

​​Audit Info:
DOT State and Federal Program Listing (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​
2023 DOT Appendix​ (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​

2022 DOT Appendix
2022 DOT Federal Funding
2022 DOT State Funding
​​Agency:Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
Fiscal Management Director
P O Box 7843
Madison, WI 53707-7843
​​Contact:​James Parker
(608) 267-1843
​​Audit Info:2012 DVA State Funding
DVA State and Federal Program Listing (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​
​​Agency:Department of Workforce Development (DWD)
Bureau of Financial Management
201 East Washington Ave G400
Madison, WI 53702
​​Contact:Christy Zehner
(608) 266-3270
​​Audit Info:
​2023 DWD Appendix (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​
2019 DWD Appendix

DWD State and Federal Program Listing​ (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​
​​Agency:Higher Educational Aids Board (HEAB)
Programs and Policy
131 West Wilson Street, Suite 902
Madison, WI 53707-7885
​​Contact:​Sherrie Nelson
(608) 267-2944
​​Audit Info:2022 HEAB State Single Audit Guidelines Appendix
2007 State Funding
​​​Agency:State Courts
110 East Main Room 430
Madison, WI 53703
​​​Contact:​Anita "Joy" Prado​
(608) 261-8287
​Audit Info:​Contact State Courts for audit guidance.
​​​Agency:State of Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS)
Financial Manager
816 State Street Room 326
Madison, WI 53706
​​​Contact:​Eric Engbloom, CPA
(608) 264-6426
​Audit Info:​Contact WHS for audit guidance.
​​​Agency:Department of Tourism (Tourism)
Wisconsin Arts Board
201 West Washington Ave 2nd floor
Madison, WI 53708
​​​Contact:​George Tzougros
(608) 267-2006
​Audit Info:​Contact Tourism for audit guidance.
​​​Agency:Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS)
4622 University Ave.
P. O. Box 7874
Madison, WI 53707-7874
​​​Contact:​Michelle Rudman, CPA
​(608) 266-1433
​Audit Info:

2023-2024 WTCS State and Federal Program Listing​ (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​​
2023-2024 WTCS Appendix​ (effective for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2023)​​​