Enterprise Operations




​​About DEO

The Division of Enterprise Operations (DEO) ​consists of three bureaus: Financial Management, Risk Management and Procurement; and five programs: Continuity of Government, Supplier Diversity, VW Mitigation, Wisconsin Rescue Fund, State Prosecutors Office; and two attached agencies: the National and Community Service Board (Serve Wisconsin) and the Wisconsin Women’s Council.

Enterprise Policies. Administer enterprise policies that provide for transparency, accountability and the efficient use of state resources in the areas of procurement, risk management, and continuity of government.l.

Shared Agency Services. Provide administrative support and services for DOA and other state agencies in the areas of financial management, procurement, risk management, continuity of operations and the State Prosecutors Program.

Diverse Businesses. Facilitate opportunities for minority, women and service disabled veteran-owned businesses to sell goods and services to state agencies.

Community Service. Promote service and volunteerism in Wisconsin communities through local AmeriCorps programs.

Womens Council. ​​Promote initiatives that empower women, serves as a clearinghouse for information on the status of women in the state, conducts independent research, promotes unique partnerships to further women’s economic and social equality, and works to address barriers and inequalities affecting Wisconsin women.

Grant Programs. Administer grant programs for VW Mitigation Settlement funds and American Rescue Plan Act.

Richard Rydecki
Division Administrator​​

Our Bureaus and Programs​

State Bureau of Procurement (SBoP) manages statewide contracts for goods and services commonly used by agencies and UW campuses that create savings and improve efficiencies for the enterprise.

Bureau of State Risk Management (SRM) administers property, liability and worker's compensation programs and helps state agencies control and reduce losses.

Bureau of ​Financia​l M​anagement (BFM) provides accounting, budgeting and other fiscal services for DOA and other agencies, boards and commissions.

Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) facilitates opportunities for minority-owned, woman-owned and service disabled veteran-owned businesses to sell their goods and services to the State.

State Prosecutors Office (SPO) supports District Attorney offices through budgeting, legislative research, grant support and employment relations services.

Continuity of Operations/Continuity of Government (COOP/COG) assists agencies with planning to ensure minimal disruption of essential services to Wisconsin citizens in the event of a disaster or major emergency.

Serve W​isconsin supports service in Wisconsin through AmeriCorps funds from the Corporation for National and Community Service.

VW Mitigation Program administers funding provided through the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust for projects that reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Women's Council ​(WWC) promotes initiatives to empower women, serves as a clearinghouse for information on programs and resources, conducts research on the status of women, and engages in unique partnerships to address barriers and inequalities affecting W​isconsin women

Wisconsin Rescue​ Fund Team (WiRF) administers federal grants under the American Rescue Plan Act.