Division of Hearings and Appeals

Independence - Efficiency - Excellence

Originally created in 1978, the Division of Hearing and Appeals (DHA) is an quasi-judicial, independent entity created to conduct high quality, impartial, independent, and cost and time efficient hearings that serve customer agencies and the citizens of Wisconsin.

The State of Wisconsin uses the central panel model for administrative hearings where administrative law judges may conduct several types of hearings and do not work for the regulated agency. The central panel model is more efficient and assures impartiality in the administrative process.  DHA is attached to DOA only for administrative purposes.  All the employees, including the administrator, are classified employees and are not politically appointed.

DHA currently conducts hearings for fifteen state agencies to provide hearing services and is also available to do hearings for other agencies when requested. It is a growing agency with a varied caseload. The state agencies include the Departments of Corrections, Workforce Development, Health, Children and Families, and numerous other agencies.

DHA currently consists of the following administrative units: