Administrator's Office Contacts
Jen Flogel, Administrator
(608) 266-9820
Donna Bente, Deputy Administrator-Central Operations
(608) 261-2363
Jesús Villa, Deputy Administrator-Agency HRSS Services
(608) 261-6057
Bureau Director Contacts
Rachel Martin, Bureau of Classification & Compensation
(608) 267-5165
Laurice McGinnis Lincoln, Bureau of Equity & Inclusion
(608) 266-3017
Tina Updike, Bureau of HR Information System Admin. & Management
(608) 261-9211
Jim Feldhausen, Bureau of Merit, Recruitment, & Selection
(608) 266-3553
Chrys Mursky, Bureau of Training & Development
(608) 266-6475
Doug Thayer, Bureau of Workforce Relations & Policy Administration
(608) 266-2052
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 7855
Madison, WI 53707-7855
101 E. Wilson Street, 4th Floor
Madison, WI 53703