State Single Audit Guidelines (SSAG) - 2015

The State Single Audit Guidelines implement the federal audit requirements in the Federal CFR Part 200 Subpart F, "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards" for certain state​ programs and federal programs passed through state agencies.
The Guidelines consist of two parts: the main document, which describes the states single audit policy in general terms, and the department-specific appendices, which detail audit requirements for programs from the respective departments. An auditor planning an audit needs to consult the main document and the appendices for each of the departments that provided funding to the auditee.

NOTICE: Some documents have been brought forward from prior years, so even if they appear old, they are the most current material available

Program specific questions should be directed to the agency.

General Information:

​Agency:Department of Administration
State Controllers Office
P.O. Box 7932
Madison, WI 53707-7932
​Audit Info:

2015 Main Document (revised 6-2016)

SSAG Summary:


Clean Water Fund (DOA & DNR)
101 E. Wilson 10th
Madison, WI 53703
​Audit Info:​Contact the Clean Water Fund for audit guidance
​Agency:Department of Administration
Bureau of Financial Management
Department of Administration
P O Box 7869
Madison, WI 53707-7869
​Contact:​Single Audit Coordinator
(608) 267-9610
​Audit Info:2015 DOA Supplement
2015 DOA Federal Funding
2015 DOA State Funding
​Agency:Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP)
P O Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
​Contact:​Jason Gherke
(608) 224-4748
​Audit Info:​2012 Revision of DATCP Appendix
State Funding 2012
​Agency:Department of Children & Families
201East Washington Ave
P O Box 8916
Madison, WI 53707-8916
​Audit Info:2015 DCF Appendix
​Agency:Department of Corrections
Fiscal Services Section
3099 East Washington Avenue
P.O. Box 7991
Madison, WI 53707-7991
​Contact:​Christian L Wagner
​Audit Info:​Contact DOC for guidance
​Agency:Department of Health Services
Office of the Inspector General
One West Wilson Street
P O Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309
​Contact:​Inquiries shouldbe sent to
​Audit Info:

DHS Audit Guide (DHS's appendix to the SSAG)

2016 DHS Audit Guide - NEW (1/25/17) This revision supersedes all of the 2014 and 2015 guidance listed below the "2016 DHS SBS Payments" link and is effective for audit periods ending 12/31/16 or later.
2016 DHS SBS Payments (New 8/15/16)

DHS Audit Guide Addendum
2014 DHS Cover and Table of Contents
2014 DHS Memo to Interested Parties
2014 DHS Section 1 Introduction
2014 DHS Section 2 General Compliance
2014 DHS Section 3.1 COP
2014 DHS Section 3.2 CIP I BIW
2014 DHS section 3.3 Aging & Disability Resource Centers
2014 DHS Section 3.4 Case Management
2014 DHS Section 3.5 CIP II COP W
2014 DHS Section 3.6 WIMCR
2014 DHS Section 3.7 Medicaid Personal Care
2014 DHS Section 3.8 Basic County Allocation
2014 DHS Section 3.9 Community Recovery Services
2014 DHS Section 3.10 Tribal Medical Relief
2014 DHS Section 3.11 Income Maintenance
2014 DHS Section 3.12 Guidance when no compliance supplement
2014 DHS Section 3.15 School Based Services
2015 DHS Section 3.15 School Based Services (New 7/2/15)
2015 SBS Payment Information
2014 DHS Section 3.18 CLTS
2014 DHS section 4 Special Investigations
2015 DHS Memo on 2015 Audit Guide

Please contact if you have questions about the DHS Audit Guide


Department of Justice
Division of Management Services
17 West Main St Room 841-23
P. O. Box 7857
Madison, WI 53707-7857
​Contact:​Jenny Nielsen
(608) 264-9450
​Audit Info:​2012 DOJ Appendix
2012 DOJ Federal Funding
2012 DOJ State Funding
​Agency:Department of Military Affairs
2400 Wright Street
Madison, WI 53704

Anna Oehler
(608) 242-3155

Send Reports directly to:

​Audit Info:​2007 DMA Federal Funding
2007 DMA State Funding
Contact DMA for audit guidance
​Agency:Department of Natural Resources
101 S. Webster FN/1, DNR
P O Box 7921
Madison, WI 53702-7921
​Contact:​Kathy E. Farmer
(608) 267-7671
​Audit Info:​2004 DNR Revision
2013 DNR Federal Funding
2013 DNR State Funding
​Agency:Department of Public Instruction
125 South Webster
Madison, WI 53702
​Contact:​Brian Kahl
(608) 267-7882
Cari Muggenburg
(608) 264-9551
​Audit Info:2016 DPI Appendix
Section 4.1 General Aids
Section 4.2 Special Education & School Age Parents Aid
Section 4.3 Pupil Transportation Aid
Section 4.4 Programs Without a Compliance Supplement
DPI Aids Payments Link
​Agency:Department of Revenue
Bureau of Financial Management Services
2135 Rimrock Road 6-261
P O Box 8931
Madison, WI 53708-8931
​Contact:​Laurie Grams
(608) 266-8469
​Audit Info​Contact DOR
​Agency:Department of Safety & Professional Services
1400 East Washington Avenue
Madison, WI 53703
​Contact:​Michelle Beasley
(608) 267-1811
​Audit Info:​Contact DSPS
​​Agency:Department of Transportation
Bureau of State Highway Programs
Hill Farms State Office Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave., Room 951
Madison, WI. 53707
​​Contact:​Mary Braaksma
DOT Audit Supervisor
(608) 261-6270
​​Audit Info:​2005 Revision of DOT Appendix
2007 Federal Funding
2007 State Funding
​​Agency:Department of Veterans Affairs
Fiscal Management Director
P O Box 7843
Madison, WI 53707-7843
​​Contact:​James Parker
(608) 267-1843
​​Audit Info:2012 DVA State Funding
​​Agency:Department of Workforce Development
Bureau of Financial Management
201 East Washington Ave G400
Madison, WI 53702
​​Contact:​Kenneth Ewers
​​Audit Info:​2010 DWD Appendix
​​Agency:Higher Educational Aids Board (HEAB)
Programs and Policy
131 West Wilson Street, Suite 902
Madison, WI 53707-7885
​​Contact:​Sherrie Nelson
(608) 267-2944
​​Audit Info:​2009 Revision of HEAB Appendix
2007 Federal Funding
2007 State Funding
​​​Agency:State Courts
110 East Main Room 430
Madison, WI 53703
​​​Contact:​Brian Lamprech
(608) 266-6865
​Audit Info:​Contact State Courts for audit guidance
​​​Agency:State of Wisconsin Historical Society
Financial Manager
816 State Street Room 326
Madison, WI 53706
​​​Contact:​Zachary Picknell
(608) 264-6426
​Audit Info:​Contact SWHS for audit guidance
2013 Federal Funding
2013 State Funding
​​​Agency:Department of Tourism
Wisconsin Arts Board
201 West Washington Ave 2nd floor
Madison, WI 53708
​​​Contact:​George Tzougros
(608) 267-2006
​Audit Info:​Contact Tourism for audit guidance
​​​Agency:Wisconsin Technical College System
4622 University Ave.
P. O. Box 7874
Madison, WI 53707-7874
​​​Contact:​Michelle Rudman, CPA
(608) 266-1433
​Audit Info:​2014-15 WTCS Compliance Supplement
2014-15 WTCS Federal Funding
2014-15 WTCS State Funding
2015-16 WTCS Compliance Supplement
2015-16 WTCS Federal Funding
2015-16 WTCS State Funding