Cooperative Boundary Plans

​​​Cooperative Plans are the most thorough and complete method for developing boundary agreements in Wisconsin. Features include broad notice to area residents and jurisdictions, a cooperative plan for the agreement territory, a public hearing, a comment period, an advisory referendum if requested, and review by the Department of Administration. The Department may approve, deny, or recommend changes to a submitted agreement.
The Cooperative plan process also contains a mechanism enabling communities to request or petition their municipal neighbors to sit down to mediate their issues or disagreements and attempt to develop a boundary agreement. Refusing to mediate results in consequences.


Factsheet - Cooperative Plan 
Flowchart - Cooperative Plan 

Factsheet - Mediated Cooperative Plan
Flowchart - Mediated Cooperative Plan 
Petition Example - Requesting a Mediated Cooperative Plan
Attachment Ordinance Example
Attachment Ordinance Filing Checklist​​
Database of Boundary Agreements including Cooperative Plans

​​Approved Cooperative Plans

Pending Cooperative Boundary Reviews