Requesting a Hearing

A hearing may be necessary to resolve a disputed claim. Most hearings are set after an employee, surviving spouse or dependent files an application for hearing (WKC-7). A Hearing Application form can be requested by email or by calling the Worker's Compensation office number and by providing a complete mailing address. They need to provide their complete mailing address. Some hearings are also scheduled on the Division's own motion in situations where there is reason to believe payment of compensation has not been made.

Hearings are scheduled at various locations throughout the state. The geographical location for the hearing is determined by the location of the employee's residence, where the injury occurred and the location of the employee's treating practitioner. After a hearing date is set, all parties are notified by a written notice. The notice of hearing is usually mailed to the parties eight to ten weeks in advance, but hearings may be scheduled with as little as ten days' notice.