PRO-301 Competitive Procurement Policy



    The purpose of this policy is to establish authority and responsibility for achieving competition in the state’s procurement process.


    The competitive bidding process is the preferred method for selecting suppliers and will be used in every case unless it is determined, and justified, that competitive bidding is not practical or in the state’s best interests.

    The State Bureau of Procurement has the responsibility to promote maximum competition in meeting state procurement needs, develop procedures for competitive solicitations and the use of alternative means of procurement.

    Agencies with delegated authority to perform purchasing functions are responsible for implementing competitive procurement procedures.

    Prior to considering the appropriate competitive method as prescribed herein, agencies will also determine if the nature of the purchase meets the criteria of a non-procurement transaction per PRO-504, Grants and Other Non-Procurement Transactions.

Click below for full policy document:​​​

​​PRO-301 Competitive Procurement Policy​​​​

​​Bid vs. RFP Method Comparison