List for "doa-landinfo"
To receive WLIP news, follow these instructions for participating in the Internet list service. The list is open to all practitioners of land information/GIS technology in Wisconsin.
According to Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chapter
Adm 47.06(5), WLIP grant “Applicants shall subscribe to and participate in the Wisconsin land information program's internet land information officers technical assistance email list serve.”
Subscribe with this email content:
Use lower case characters with spaces in the body of the message as shown above. You will receive a confirmation email stating that you have been added to the list.
Once you have successfully subscribed, mail that will reach *all* other listserv subscribers may be sent to
Land information officers and alternates [doa-landinfo.lios] make up a segment of the larger doa-land info list.
List for "County_Contacts.pdf"
County_Contacts - Land Information Officers (LIOs) and County Websites is a separate list from the doa-landinfo listserv.
To update LIO contact information, please contact the WLIP grant administrator.
Note also that the list of LIO contact information on the LION website at is independently maintained by LION.