Send DOA Notice of Comp Plan Adoption/Amendment

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If your community has adopted a comprehensive plan, amendment, or update under 66.1001(4)(b), ​you are required to send notice to DOA (but NOT a copy of the plan itself). DOA is also requesting a copy of the adoption ordinance with the notice.  

It is *NOT* necessary to mail a hard copy of the actual plan to the Department of Administration, nor an email attachmen​​t.

​The Department of Administration is no longer archiving copies of local comprehensive plans. However, it does still maintain a record of adoption dates for communities that have adopted/amended/updated plans.

​​To Send DOA Notice of Comp Plan​

Em​ail comp.planning​@wi​s​c​​o​n​ ​with the following:

​ ​
​        •  ​Full name of ju​risdiction: (e.g., City, Town, Village of Xx)​
        •  Name of county:​
        •  Adoption date (for initial adoption, update, or amendment):​
        • ​ Link to adoption ordinance (or attach this 1-2 page document): 

Public hearing or public meeting notices for comprehensive plans/plan amendments under consideration do NOT need to be sent to the Department of Administration (although local governments must follow the public participation requirements laid out in 66.1001(4)).