Annexation Resources

Municipal Data System, an online database of annexation petitions and ordinances, including information on the annexee and annexor municipalities, the size, location, population, and date of the annexation. Also included are images of the submitted annexation documents, such as the scale map.

Annexation Fact Sheet (2015), by Philip Freeburg, UW-Extention Local Government Center Law Educator.

Intergovernmental Cooperation: A Guide to Preparing the Intergovernmental Cooperation Element of a Local Comprehensive plan (2002) by the Wisconsin Department of Administration. Chapter 6 of the guide contains information and tips on annexation. 

"Annexation of Territory to Wisconsin’s Cities and Villages", by the League of Wisconsin Municipalities. The guide describes the various methods of annexation, and provides relevant court decisions and model forms. For copies contact the League

Annexation (Volume 2, Number 2 1999) by On Common Ground, a foundation that was dedicated to promoting discussion about land use issues. 

Annexation in Wisconsin: Fiscal Implications for Municipalities (1998), by Mary Edwards, in the Municipality, April 1998.

Ordinance Filing Checklist​ - a set of Guidelines for municipal clerks in drafting boundary adjustment ordinances and compiling associated ordinance filing packets for submittal to the WI DOA.