Wisconsin Accounting Manual

    STAR Job Aids​ (STAR Confluence)

Section 02 - Chart-field Coding

02-01  Chart of Accounts
02-02  STAR Business Unit to Agency Name​ Conversion Table
02-03  Account Sub-Classification Descriptions
02-04  Fund Table​​
02-05  Account Codes
02-06  Chart-field ​Maintenance​  ​

Section 03 - Budgeting

03-01  Appropriations
03-02  Appropriation Types
03-03  Appropriation Increases and Decreases
03-04  Sum Sufficient Appropriations
03-05  Budget Loading
03-06  Operating Budgets
03-07  Non-Budget Appropriations
03-08  Appropriation Overdraft Review

Section 04 - Encumbrances

04-01  Requisitions
04-02  Encumbrances
04-03  Carryover of Encumbrances
04-04  Cancelation of Prior Year Encumbrances

Section 05 - Accounts Payable, Inter and Intra Unit Payments and Transfers

05-01  Supplier Table Maintenance
05-02  Prompt Payment

​​Prompt Payment Interest Calculation Workbook​​​​​​​

05-02a Supplier Payment Discounts - updated 08/22/2018

05-03  Invoice Review
05-04  Purchasing Card
05-05  Contingent Funds
05-06  ACH Payments
05-07  IAT Payments
05-08  Finding Suppliers (Vendors within STAR)
05-09  Accounts Payable Payments - updated 03/8/2019
05-10  Municipality Payments (Including LGIP-Direct Payments)
05-11  On-Demand Payments- updated 11/24/2020
05-12  Specialized Payments
05-13  Interunit Billings and Vouchers
05-14  Payroll, Tax and Fringe Benefit Accounting
05-15  Refund of Revenue Payments Involving Projects

Section 06 - Expenditures and Travel

06-01  Appropriation Required
06-02  Requirement to Record Fees Collected and Retained by a Contractor
06-03  Employee Travel - updated 09/13/2019  

         DOA-6470 Authorization to Submit Travel Claims on Behalf of an Employee Form - updated 09/13/2019  
06-04  Capital Expenditures
06-05  Credit-Debit Card Processing Fees
06-06  Employee Recognition Awards
06-07  Meetings, Breaks and Meals
06-08  Lump-Sum Payments for Unused Leave
06-09  Employee Taxable Fringe Benefits
06-10  1099 Reporting
         1099 Reportable Expenditure Accounts
         STAR 1099 Agency Adjustments Form
 06-11  Accounting for Leases - Coming Soon
 06-12  Debt Service

Section 07 - Revenues and Accounts Receivable​

07-01  Accounts Receivable - updated 08/11/2021
07-02  Gifts and Donations

DOA-6039 Report of Non-Federal Gift and Grant Expenditures

07-03  Incidental Receipts
07-04  Miscellaneous Receipts
07-05  Refund of Expenditures​​
07-06  Sales Taxes
07-07  Insurance Losses
07-08  Indirect Cost Reimbursements - Coming Soon
07-09  Surplus Property
07-10  Recording Deposits During the Year-End Closing Period
07-11  Refund of Expenditure Deposits Involving Projects

07-12  Bad Checks and Deposit Adjustments - Added 09/23/2019

Section 08 - General Ledger, Adjustments and Closing

08-01  STAR Ledgers
08-02  Journal Entries

Section 09 - Treasury

09-01  Cash Deposits (Direct Journal Entry)​updated 09/04/2019
09-02  Automated Receipting Applications
09-03  Recording Cash Deposit Transactions for Automated Cash Receipting Applications
09-04  Cancel Pa​ym​ents (St​op Payments and Voids)​ ​updated 01/11/2022
09-05  Stale-Dated Check (aka Canceled Drafts)
09-06  Cash Handling Procedures
09-07  Local Depository Accounts
09-08  Monitoring and Reconciling Electronic Lockbox Payments
09-09  Wire Transfer Payments

Section 10 - Contracts, Grants and Federal Draws

10-01  Central Federal Draw Processing - updated 05/01/2020
10-02  Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA)

10-03 Accounting for Federal Disallowed Costs and Cost Swaps of Prior Fiscal Year Expenditures​​​​​

Section 11 - Project Costing

11-01  Project Costing User Roles
11-02  Capital Project Appropriations
11-03  Establishing Capital Projects
11-04  Capital Project Budgets
11-05  Encumbering Capital Project Contracts
11-06  DFD Contract Payments
11-07  Capital Projects - Direct Payments
11-08  Closing Capital Projects
11-09  Capital Project Accounting

Section 12 - Reporting

12-01  Reports

Section 13 - Security

13-01  STAR Finance S​ecurity

     DOA-6305 STAR FN Security Authorization Request​​​

Section 14 - Internal Controls

14-01  Internal Control Plans​​​
14-02  Approval Audit Trail
14-03  Retention of Supporting Documentation
14-04  Internal Control Procedures for Accepting Credit-Debit Card Payments - updated 12/12/2019

Section 15 - Fiscal Year End

15-01  Closing Periods in STAR
15-02  Accounts Payable and Expenses - Post Closing Process
15-03  Between Year Expenditure and Revenue Adjustments

​Section 16 - Inventory, Trackable Assets and Capital Assets

16-01  Inventory - Coming Soon
16-02  Trackable Assets
16-03  Capital Assets
16-04  Capital Leases and Operating Leases​​
16-05  Asset Management Acquisition Report
16-06  Asset Management Definitions (e.g. Profiles, Categories, Types, etc)
16-07  Asset Net Book Value Report

16-08  Dates to Understand for Reporting Assets in STAR Asset Management Module

16-09  Correcting Fund Code and Profile Code Errors in STAR AM

Section 17 - Payroll

 17-01  Supplements and Other Payroll Accounting Prior to R2 - Removed​
17-02  Supplements and Other Payroll Accounting

Section 18 - Period-End

18-01 SCO Monthly Checklist

        SCO Monthly Checklist Workbook v.2.5​ - updated 08/29/2024

 18-02 [Reserved]
 18-03 [Reserved]
 18-04 [Reserved]
 18-05 [Reserved]

See Section 15 for Fiscal Year End documents (previously 18-02 through 18-05)
