Wisconsin Capital Finance Office-Monthly General Fund Financial Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This page contains continuing secondary market disclosure; specifically filings from the current calendar year that contain developments relating to the State of Wisconsin, or bonds, notes, or other securities that have been issued by the State of Wisconsin. Disclosure for bonds, notes, or other securities of the State of Wisconsin that are in their initial offering period can be obtained at Primary Market Disclosure and any disclosure materials prepared prior to the current calendar year can be obtained in the Archived Section.

The information on this page is provided with respect to securities issued by the State of Wisconsin. The information may be material to an inv​estment decision in the securities, however, the presence of the following information on this website does not imply that th​​e State of Wisconsin has made a determination of its materiality.  The State does not have an obligation to provide this information or make it available on this website.​