Annual Certification

​​​Annual Update Process

  • The annual update of a certification takes place within the first two years of the three year certification.  The update is done to confirm that a certified business is still in compliance with the Administrative Codes and to meet statutory data collection requirements.
  • Applicants will be notified by email when it is time for the annual update of their certification, therefore, it is extremely important that the Department has your most current e-mail address.
  • The applicants will be asked for the following information at the time of renewal:
    • The previous year's gross receipts and number of employees
    • Confirmation that the contact information is still current
    • Submit online Affidavit
    • Out-of-state businesses must provide proof of current revenue in the State of Wisconsin and current home state certification
  • This process can be completed online through the application website:

Recertification Process

  • The recertification of the certification takes place prior to the expiration of the three year certification.  The recertification is done to confirm that a certified business is still in compliance with the Administrative Codes.
  • Applicants will be notified by email when it is time for the recertification of their certification.
  • The applicants will be asked for the following information at the time of recertification:
    • The previous three year's business tax returns
    • Most current business financials (Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet)
    • Changes to NIGP or NAICS codes
    • Changes to ownership of the business
    • Submit online Affidavit
    • $150 recertification fee made payable to the Department of Administration (WBE & DVB only) Out-of-state businesses must provide proof of current revenue in the State of Wisconsin (WBE only) and current home state certification (WBE & MBE only)
  • This process can be completed online through the application website:
  • If the review of the recertification is satisfactory, the business will be issued a new certificate that is valid for three more years.