People's Maps Commission


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On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, the People's Maps Commission submitted final maps to Governor Evers and the Wisconsin Legislature. 

The Final  People's Maps Commission Report outlines the full process, guidelines and standards which the Commission followed in developing the maps and provides a statistical breakdown for each map compared with existing maps enacted in 2011. ​

Selected by a three judge panel, the People's Maps Commission is a nine-member nonpartisan redistricting commission charged with drawing fair, impartial maps for the state of Wisconsin. Every 10 years, e​ach state redraws their legislative and congressional district maps using data from the decennial census. In addition to the data from the 2020 U.S. Census, the Commission will use information gathered during the public hearing process to prepare new maps. It is then up to the Legislature to take up and approve the maps created by the Commission.

The map-drawing criteria were developed by the Commissioners after hearing from nearly 2,000 Wisconsinites, representing 68 counties and 321 municipalities, as well as engaging 18 redistricting experts from across the U.S. and Wisconsin. In add​ition, the Commission took special care to recognize and respect various​​communities of interest.

During the Sept. 30 informational hearing, the Commission released draft redistricting plans.  

The Commission released a second set of preliminary maps on October 20. 

Written comments and map submissions were accepted via the PMC Public Input Portal through October 27. Previous submissions can be viewed at