1 John Nolan DriveMadison, Wisconsin 53703Facilities Management Group 1The Monona Terrace Parking Ramp is owned and operated by the Department of Administration. The parking ramp is utilized primarily for events at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, but does have available public parking. The automated parking structure is available 24/7 and is accessible via West Wilson Street and the eastbound lanes of John Nolen Drive. Acceptable forms of payment for the automated ramp include Master Card, Visa or cash (no coins). Parking meters are available and can be accessed at the Wilson Street entrance by staying to the right as you enter to get to the top level where the meters are located. Parking meters do accept coins including quarters, dimes, and nickels.
Available Transportation/Parking
Parking Entrances
West Parking Ramp, John Nolan Drive
West Parking Ramp, Carroll Street
Parking Exits
East Parking Ramp, John Nolan Drive
East Parking Ramp, Pinckney Street

Bicycle Parking
2 on the Olin Terrace Level
3 on the Top Deck of the Parking Ramp
1 on the Lower Deck of the Parking Ramp
2 on the Lake Monona Level
1 in the Loading Dock