Environmental Improvement Fund Revenue Bonds, 2024 Series A (Green Bonds)


Environmental Improvement Fund Revenue Bonds, 2024 Series A
State of Wisconsin

Competitive Sale Scheduled for 9:45 a.m. (Central Time) on Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The following are the Preliminary Official Statement and bidding documents for the above-reference bond issue.   Paper copies of these documents may be obtained by contacting the State of Wisconsin Capital Finance Office at (608) 267-1836 or via e-mail at DOACapitalFinanceOffice@wisconsin.gov.

 Preliminary Official Statement (January 30, 2024)

 Official Notice of Sale

 Supplemental Agreement to Mast​er Agreement on Continuing Di​sclosure

 Addendum Describing Annual Report for Environmental Improvement Fund Revenue Bonds

​ Master Agreement on Con​tinuing Disclosure (Amended and Restated March 1, 2019)

​The Preliminary​ Official Statement includes by reference Parts I, and VI of the State of Wisconsin Continuing Disclosure Annual Report, dated December 22, 2023.

State of Wisconsin Continuing Disclosure Annual Report, 2023
