State Procurement Manual Home

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The State Procurement Manual is your guide to statewide policies and procedures for obtaining materials, supplies, equipment, contractual services and all other items of a consumable nature, primarily covered under the authority of Ch. 16, Wisconsin Statutes. The State Bureau of Procurement issues the Manual and updates it as necessary. Effective August 15, 2019 (compliance effective date of September 16, 2019), the Manual has been refreshed with new content and organizational structure. See the ‘Revision History’ tab or contact us with any questions about this change.

Cheryl Edgington, Director
State Bureau of Procurement


​Search Procurement Manual​

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Procurement Information Memoranda (PIMs) are a tool used by the State Bureau of Procurement to communicate important information, legislative mandates and administrative policy changes. They provide interim instruction until formal policies and procedures can be incorporated into the State Procurement Manual or until the directive has been rescinded. PIMs do not constitute purchasing authority and are not to be used in the same way as a statewide contract (e.g., agencies cannot reference PIMs in the contract number field on purchase orders).

17-059 Wisconsin/Minnesota Collective Purchasing Process
18-003 Information Technology (IT) and Private Consultant Services Purchasing over $150,000
19-001 Printing and Mailing Purchases by State Agencies under Executive Order 288
19-002 Electronic Signatures and Contracts Records Retention
19-004 Completion of Cost Benefit Analyses and Justification of Need for Contractual Services
20-001 Information Technology (IT) and Private Consultant Services Purchasing Updates
20-002 COVID-19 Federal Funds Purchase Orders and Contracts
21-001 Supplier Diversity Reporting Requirements
22-001 Large, High-Risk IT Project Contract Review and Approval Process
23-001 Cybersecurity and Prohibiting the Use of Certain Foreign Technologies

Certain PIMs apply only to those agencies using the STAR ERP system (not applicable to UW campuses). See STAR-specific PIMs here:​​

Each agency purchasing/printing office is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the contact information for their purchasing director or designee(s). Changes should be sent to the State Bureau of Procurement using the Directory Update Form link below.

State Agency Purchasing Directory

State Agency Purchasing Directory Update Form

A copy of the entire State Procurement Manual (SPM) can be downloaded here.

Procurement Forms
Commonly used procurement forms can be found on the Forms tab on VendorNet:


SAPC: The State Agencies Purchasing Council, composed of agency and State procurement personnel, provides a forum for discussion of policies and procedures and makes recommendations for the promotion and improved effectiveness of the statewide purchasing function. More information about SAPC can be found here.

IPC: The Interagency Procurement Council (IPC) consists of a representative from each of the State agencies with formal purchasing delegation. IPC is tasked with identifying ways to further streamline and reform the State procurement process, while also making it more transparent and accountable. The IPC may recommend changes to current procurement policies and procedures. Current member agencies to IPC include the State Bureau of Procurement, Employee Trust Funds, State Fair Park, UW System Administration, UW-Madison, and the Departments of Administration (representing DOA and all CAPS agencies), Health Services, Workforce Development, Transportation, Corrections, Natural Resources, Justice, and Children & Families.

A narrative summary of changes made from the legacy manual to the new SPM can be found here:
SPM Reform Summary

State Procurement Manual Frequently Asked Questions

Policy Reference Crosswalk​
A crosswalk of “old to new” policies is available here. Changes made to SPM policies moving forward will be noted in the Revision History section of this page. The prior State Procurement Manual is posted as a PDF in its entirety here.

Vendor Collection of Sales and Use Tax; Agency Tax Exemption and Payments of Certain Taxes
Updated email address.​​
Surplus Property​
Added language regarding trade-in on replacement equipment.​
Contractual Services Procurement​
Removed affirmative statement that countries party to the WTO are not subject to Wis. Stat. 16.705(1r).​
Procurement from Wisconsin Bureau of Correctional Enterprises
Updated website address​
Information Technology (IT) and Telecommunications Procurements
Updated to reflect new process outlined in PIM 22-001, Large, High-Risk IT Contract Review and Approval Process
Supplier Diversity Policy and Reporting
Updated date campuses and agencies not using STAR are required to submit spend activity from the 20th to the 25th of each month.
Requisitions, Purchase Orders and Methods of Payment
In Section III. A. 3., changed the bulleted list to a lettered list.
Supplier Diversity Policy and Reporting
Updated date agencies are required to submit spend activity from the 20th to the 15th of each month.
Procurement Considerations in Facilities-Related Projects and Leasing of Space
Corrected statutory reference to s. 16.8511(2), Wis. Stats.
​Legal Services
​Removed requirement to include signature block in proposed contracts for legal services to obtain the Governor’s approval. The signature of the Governor on the case letter for legal services RPAs serves as signature approval. Agencies will ensure all contract stipulate that no work may begin under the contract until the Governor’s approval is obtained. Supporting statutory authority corrected in footer.
Surplus Property
​Corrected broken link to State Accounting Manual
Non-Discrimination and Contract Compliance
​Corrected statutory reference to s. 16.765, Wis. Stats.
​Request for Purchasing Authority (RPA) Policy and Procedure
​Removed reference to form DOA-3046A: RPA Checklist, which has been retired. Form DOA-3046 has been revised to include a new Section 9 to be used as a checklist to ensure completeness of RPA packages.
​Procurement Record Retention and Access
​Removed reference to form DOA-3046A: RPA Checklist to align with changes made to PRO-210, Request for Purchasing Authority (RPA) Policy and Procedure.
​Procurement Definitions and Thresholds
​Emergency Procurement Threshold
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