Nondiscrimination Policy and Procedures

​​​The Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) is committed to promoting diversity, fairness, equity and the principles of environmental justice. We also ensure we do not discriminate in our programs, decisions, actions or delivery of services.​​

Notice of Non ​Discrimination

Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Part 7, Nondiscrimination in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Assistance from the Environmental Protection Agency, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability in programs or activities receiving federal assistance from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It requires recipients of federal assistance from the EPA to:

  1. Collect, maintain, and provide information showing compliance with 40 CFR Part 7.
  2. Designate a person to be the Nondiscrimination Compliance Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with 40 CFR Part 7.
  3. Adopt grievance procedures that ​assure the prompt and fair resolution of discrimination complaints alleging violations of 40 CFR Part 7.
  4. Provide continuing and prominent public notice of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, and of the identity and contact information for the Nondiscrimination Compliance Coordinator.

It is the DOA's policy not to discriminate on the basis of the factors in 40 CFR Part 7, as well as other applicable state and federal laws.

Grievance Procedure

The DOA adopts the following procedures to allow any person or group to submit a complaint alleging discrimination of any kind by the Wisconsin DOA that may constitute a violation of 40 CFR Part 7 or any state or federal statutes or regulations that DOA enforces, and in order to assure the prompt and fair resolution of any such discrimination complaints.


Submit A Complaint

If you have any questions about this notice or any of DOA's nondiscrimination programs, policies, or procedures, or if you believe that you have been discriminated against with respect to a DOA program or activity, you may contact:​​

Nondiscrimination Compliance Coordinator

Division of Legal Services
Wisconsin Department of Administration 101 East Wilson Street
P.O. Box 7864
Madison, WI 53707-7864


Phone: 608-261-5043​​​