​State of Wisconsin Environmental Improvement Fund Revenue Bonds, 2020 Series A (Green Bonds)

$80,000,000 State of Wisconsin Environmental Improvement Fund Revenue Bonds, 2020 Series A (Green Bonds)

Competitive Sale Occured on April 22, 2020​​

The following is the Final Official Statement ​for the above-mentioned placement.  Information on this issuance also could be provided by contacting the State of Wisconsin Capital Finance Office at (608) 266-5355 or via e-mail at DOACapitalFinanceOffice@wisconsin.gov.

Final Official Statement State of Wisconsin Environmental Improvement Fund Revenue Bonds, 2020 Series A (Green Bonds)​​

The Fi​nal Official Statement includes by reference Parts I and VII of the State of Wisconsin Continuing Disclosure Annual Report, dated December 27​, 2019​.

State of Wisconsin Continuing Disclosure Annual Report, 2019
