If your community has adopted a comprehensive plan, amendment, or update under
66.1001(4)(b), you are required to send notice to DOA (but NOT a copy of the plan itself). DOA is also requesting a copy of the adoption ordinance with the notice.
It is
*NOT* necessary to mail a hard copy of the actual plan to the Department of Administration, nor an email attachment.
The Department of Administration is no longer archiving copies of local comprehensive plans. However, it does still maintain a record of adoption dates for communities that have adopted/amended/updated plans.
To Send DOA Notice of Comp Plan
Email comp.planning@wisconsin.gov with the following:
Full name of jurisdiction: (e.g., City, Town, Village of Xx)
Name of county:
Adoption date (for initial adoption, update, or amendment):
• Link to adoption ordinance (or attach this 1-2 page document):
Public hearing or public meeting notices for comprehensive plans/plan amendments under consideration do
NOT need to be sent to the Department of Administration (although local governments must follow the public participation requirements laid out in