Requesting a Hearing

We recieve hearing requests for our Work and Family Service's unit in a couple of ways. Hearing requests regarding FoodShare can be taken by telephone and in writing. All other requests must be received in writing and must be signed. To ask for a hearing with us, please submit a Request for Fair Hearing form or a letter detailing why a hearing is needed. We do not accept forms or letters that are unsigned.

The Request for Fair Hearing form is available in these languages:

English    Arabic    Burmese    Chinese    German   

Hmong    Lao        Russian      Spanish    Somali

Send your filled request to: PO box 7875, 53707-7875.

Hearing requests should include:

  • The name of the person requesting a hearing.

  • The mailing address of the person requesting a hearing.

  • brief description of why a hearing is needed.

  • The county or state agency that took the action or denied the service

  • copy of the notice recieved from the county or agency denying services.

  • The (CARES) number of the person requesting a hearing (if one has been provided).

  • The signature of the person requesting a hearing.

If the appeal concerns FoodShare or Medical Assistance benefits and we receive the request before the agency action takes effect, the benefits of the person requesting the hearing will not stop or be reduced while a hearing is pending with us. If the hearing determines that the agency action was correct, the person who requested the hearing might have to repay their benefits. If the hearing requestor does not want their benefits to continue, please provide that information to us in the hearing request.

If a hearing request needs to be withdrawn, the Voluntary Withdrawal form or a letter should be sent to our office. We need to receive something in writing and signed for the case to be considered withdrawn.