Wisconsin raffle laws define a Calendar Raffle as raffle for which a drawing is held and a prize awarded on each date specified in a calendar. Further, "Calendar" is defined as a tabular register of days covering not less than one nor more than 12 calendar months that entitles the purchaser to one entry in each drawing in a calendar raffle. Because Calendar Raffles are a specific form of a Class A raffle, the Division would prefer to review your proposed ticket prior to having them printed to ensure they meet all statutory requirements. Once we have reviewed your calendar raffle ticket, further reviews are not needed unless your ticket format substantially changes from the previous review.
One of the most important things to note about conducting calendar raffles in Wisconsin is that the statute requires that the drawing must be held on the specific date a prize is listed on the calendar. For example, if you list a prize on the New Years Day, you must conduct the drawing on New Years Day for the winner of that day's prize. Also it is important to note that you cannot conduct more than ONE calendar raffle per license year.
Calendar raffles must follow the same guidelines as the standard Class A ticket and contain the same information:
- Each calendar must be consecutively numbered and appear on both portions of the calendar.
- The license number of the organization.
- The name and address of the sponsoring organization.
- The price of each calendar.
- A place for the purchaser to enter their name and address.
- The date, time, and place (including physical address) of each drawing.
The following requirements are specific to calendar raffles:
- Identical drawing dates and identical prize amounts for each drawing on every calendar ticket.
- Prize amounts must be printed on the tabular calendar and on the specific date in which the drawing will occur. If you list a prize every single day, you must physically draw every single day. You may not draw Saturday and Sunday winners on Friday or Monday.
Sample Calendar Ticket:
Calendars may be a single month or up to 12 months and you may list prizes and draw winners every day, every other day, weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
Your raffle license must encompass the entire time frame of your calendar. If you have a current license that runs March through March and you wish to conduct a calendar that will run January through December, you would need to file an early renewal in order to change your license period to start January 1st.
This information is also available to print out and use as checklist when creating your ticket.
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