DFD Forms and Documents

​​​​​​​​A/E and Consultants


​​Form Number​

​​Revision Date

AE Policy and Procedure Manual



AE Fee Proposal Checklist



AE Consultant Proposal Template



​​Building Data/Cost Report



Building Data/Cost Report Instructions​



Building​ Energy Modeling Form



Consultant Fee Schedule Upload Instructions



Consultant Performance Evaluation Process



AE Contract for Professional Services (includes all forms)​



Consultant Services Contract



Design Report Budget



Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information



Energy Conserva​tion Measures Form



Guidelines for Life Cycle Costing on State Building Projects



Life Cycle Co​st Plan and Report



MEP Front End Specifications


GPC Front End Specifications



AAC Front End Specifications



Technical Specification Title Page and Table of Contents



Construction Progress Meeting Template



Renewable Energy Resources Form



Uploading Documents ​via ​DFD SharePoint Site​​



Uploading Monthly Letter of Interest




Con​​struction Contractor​​​s


​Form Number​​​

​​Revisi​​​​on Date

Affidavit of Compliance MBE-DVB



​​​Asbestos/Lead Abatement Certification​



Bid Bond



Change Order Proposal Form​ - Ge​​neral Prime Contractor



Change Order Proposal Form - Subcontractor



Construction Addendum Template



Construction Addenda Instructions



Construction Contract



Contract Compliance Law Poster



Contractor Payroll Compliance Statement



Contractor Payr​​oll Report



Contractor Certification Application



DOA-4537 - ​Corporate Resolution



GPC Bid Bond



MEP Bid Bond



Off-Site Storage Agreement



Performance Bond (100%)



Payment Bond (100%)



Reimbursable Labor Rate Worksheet (RLRW)



Request for Exemption from Submitting AA Plan



Request for Subcontractor Approval



Request for Submittal Approval



Settlement Certification



Value Enhancement Proposal (for projects below $600,000)




S​tate Agencies


​​Form Number

​​Revision Date

Energy Cost Reduction Plan-Instructions



Energy Cost Reduction Plan-Energy Conservation Opportunities Form



Energy Cost Reduction Plan-Energy Use Worksheet



Energy Use Policy



Photovoltaic System Funding Guidelines



​DFD Staff


​​Form Number

​​Revision Date

Construction Contract Closeout Checklist​



Transmitta​l Notice for Reviews

