Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 16.855(9m), contractors must be certified by the Department of Administration prior to submitting bids on a state construction project. Please do not bid on projects outside of your certified division(s) of work and/or over your certified budget thresholds. All bids received from contractors who are not certified will be rejected. If your company is not certified, please review the documents below to apply for certification. The DFD Single Prime Bidding and Contracting webpage has more information about how projects are let under the new system.
Contractor certifications are only valid for a two year period. Please update and resubmit your application at least two months prior to your certification expiration date to allow sufficient time for processing a certification decision. All bids received from contractors who have an expired certification will be rejected. If you have any questions, please email us at dfdcertification@wisconsin.gov.
UPDATE: 2023 Wisconsin Act 19 made numerous changes to project approval thresholds for State of Wisconsin construction projects. For example, the Small Projects and Simplified Bidding threshold has been increased from $300,000 to $600,000. Many projects in this range will no longer require Single Prime (or Single Trade) Bidding and Contracting, instead they will bid and contract under Small Project and Simplified Bidding procedures.
In certain instances, these threshold increases may impact contractor certification levels. The DFD Certification team has updated certification levels as appropriate. Contractors do not need to submit for updated certification. Please direct all certification questions to dfdcertification@wisconsin.gov.
Contractor Certification
DFD Communication to Contractors 11-22-13
DFD Contractor Certification Application Instructions
Contractor Certification Application
Contractor Certification Application
For New Contractors Seeking Certification:
Contractors who are not yet certified can initiate the certification process through our public-facing link: Contractor Certification Application
Upon clicking this link, a new window will open where you will be prompted to enter your company details and upload your Certification Application.
This process ensures that all contractor certifications are efficiently tracked, reviewed, and managed within eBuilder, reducing processing times and improving transparency.
For Currently Certified Contractors:
For all contractors who are currently certified and need to renew their certification, we have created individual eBuilder projects labeled “ZZZ – Company Name”. Users assigned to these projects now have direct access to manage their certification renewals. To renew your certification, you will use process “64 Contractor Certification”.
How to Renew Your Contractor Certification in eBuilder:
- Navigate to your “ZZZ – Company Name" project in eBuilder.
- Click Processes in the Project Menu on the left side of the screen.
- Click Start Process on the right side of the screen.
- Select 64 Contractor Certification from the list.
- Click Start Certification at the bottom of the box.
- Complete the form, providing:
- Your updated Contractor Certification Application
- Any supporting documentation required
- Click Submit to send your application for review.
Once submitted, your application will be immediately directed to DFD's Certification Officer for review. If approved, you will receive an official notification letter. If revisions are required, you will be notified, and the request for updates will also be documented within your Certification Project in eBuilder.
If you have any questions or issues accessing your Contractor Certification project - please submit a User Access and Login Request ticket.