1 West Wilson Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703-3445
Facilities Management Group 1
The State Human Services Building was the first state office building built outside of the Capitol. Built in phases starting in 1930 (Unit I), Unit II in 1939, the Penthouse in 1952, and Unit III in 1959. It occupies 422,087 GSF of space. It has 11 stories above ground and 4 below ground.
Building Amenities
Lactation Room
| Yes
All-Gender Restroom
| Yes
Available Transportation/Parking
| Assigned employee parking
| Madison Metro stops in front of building
Car Pools
| Yes
State Van Pools
| Yes
Bike Racks
| In courtyard at east entrance
Handicapped Accessibility
| 4 handicap spaces
| Front end east and rear parking area
| Automatic sliding door entrance on Ground floor East side of building
| 18 men's & 17 women's; 1 shower facility for men and women
Elevator Signage
| Yes; accessible elevators in each lobby with Braille signage
| No public phones
Water Fountains
| All floors
Directory Signage
| Located in main entrance lobby on W. Wilson St. Not Braille enhanced. Security guard in the lobby to answer questions.